WebmasterUltimate Spider-Man: Zany Cartoon Action
vr 06 april 2012 09:57:23I write an occassional article for Broken Frontier, very occassional, and one such article was a look at the new Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon series that aired in the U.S. on April 1st. Is USM a welcome addition to the growing world of superhero cartoons? Or is Peter Parker's webbing too fragile to uphold the series?Comics, Media, Series > Read more
R.I.P. Gene Colan (1926 - 2011)
zo 29 januari 2012 22:10:59Last year we lost several prominent comic creators. Some were too young, others had seen quite a lot of the world. For one, however, I wrote a small piece about his passing away for the Broken Frontier website.Comics > Read more
Eye For Games Interview: Tom Galt
zo 29 januari 2012 13:53:26A little while ago we managed to secure an interview with the lead designer for The Darkness II, Tom Galt. He spoke very openly about the challenges he faced during development, how he got to where he is now and what influenced the latest title created by his studio.Games, PC, Playstation, Xbox > Read more
Eye For Games Interview: Al Lowe
vr 13 januari 2012 15:28:40Last year I had the opportunity, through Eye For to interview Al Lowe. It took a while for the site to launch, but now that it's here I am free to post it on my own site. But, be sure to check out EFG, especially if you're an aspiring designer/artist etc.Games > Read more
Comic Speedpainting and having an Eye For Games
wo 02 november 2011 15:04:44I've been working on several projects for a while now and am finally getting closer to creating the stuff needed to find some good artists. I've found people who are willing to lend a hand once in a while, and one of them created a great speedpainting for one of my comic projects.Comics, Communities, Media > Read more
New comic book concept art
wo 14 september 2011 11:02:29Though my site isn't as active as I would like to be, I'm currently job-hunting and working on a lot of stuff, I try to update it every once in a while. Well, now I have a good reason to update, since I got some new concept art for one of my ideas. Find out more after the jump!Comics > Read more
The inFamous Path
vr 15 juli 2011 10:44:48Many people who know me, know that I've always looked at games differently. When I was a writer for the now defunct DGS-Online.nl I reviewed most games from three different angles. As a player, as a critic and as a designer. In the case of the latter I tried to see what the designers/creators wanted to achieve with their title. Did they succeed in their endeavour, would the player get it, or did they fail on certain points? Now, however, I'm looking for possibilities. What if's? What is next for the game-series? The first game I'm trying to answer this question for, from my point of view, is inFamous 2. This was actually the game that cemented the lingering idea. Beware though, I don't want people to read any spoilers. You are hereby warned.Games, Playstation > Read more
Unscathed - The Bearded Man
di 28 juni 2011 14:35:09I started typing, didn't know what I wanted to type, just see what I could come up with. I ended up with a story about a man being beaten by a mob of angry people. Why? Don't know. But I know there is a strange bearded man.> Read more
It's alive! Alive! AKA: I'm back!
do 26 mei 2011 16:26:02Hey there! Come dance with me! I have something to celebrate! You see, after a six month period of surgery and recovery, I'm finally back in the game!> Read more
NaNoWriMo: Earth 17 Synopsis
ma 01 november 2010 20:21:26So the National Novel Writing Month has started today, but unfortunately the site is getting hammered. I was planning on copying the synopsis I posted over there, but instead I had to write a new one earlier today. I am proud to say that I am already at about 1900 words and feel confident I can write as many every single day. There's more after the jump.Books > Read more